
Django Unchained 'slave and slave master' dolls go on sale - article links

(January 13, 2013)
If you choose not to read the articles listed below, at least consider these opposing opinions of the dolls:

"Selling this doll is highly offensive to our ancestors and the African-American community," said Reverend K.W. Tulloss, an official with Al Sharpton's National Action Network. "The movie is for adults, but these are action figures that appeal to children. We don't want other individuals to utilize them for their entertainment, to make a mockery of slavery."
One reviewer on Amazon, where the figures are sold, wrote, "I have to say, I never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined that, unlike myself, my kids would someday have the opportunity to re-enact America's slave trade the way my great-grandfather did! How exciting for them! Never mind those silly dolls showing racial equality and putting "black Americans" (hah! is that the word we want to really use here?) in a positive light — no! With this, my kids can experience first-hand what it might have been like to own their very own slave!"


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