

(June 25, 2012)


I'm writing to let you know about THE AWAKEN ONE - A New Stage Play written by Menelik Shabazz, award-winning filmmaker, known as one of the pioneers of black British cinema. Menelik recently produced the acclaimed THE STORY OF LOVERS ROCK documentary. Now he's on a new adventure - a musical theatre play THE AWAKEN ONE.  

We are asking for your support to raise $50,000 in order to be able to perform this play and meet the performance dates in October/November.
THE AWAKEN ONE is a story of JASON a young man who enters the spirit world of his ancestors who tells him stories that lead to his transformation and mission to become an guide/angel to help mankind. The story is told against the backdrop of young black men in London and the USA who are killing themselves brutally. The play presents this theme in an original way by taking us into the twilight world of the African Ancestors where the past, present and future meet. There, Jason encounters Malcolm X, Dr Martin Luther King, Marcus Garvey and the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt Akhenaton and Tutankhamen. These encounters make him reflect on his life and journey in both worlds.
Menelik is promoting this opportunity on the public donation website Indiegogo to build a community of support for this project because this way allows him to be free to express his vision. It also fits within his vision to involve a community of likeminded people in his work. Menelik's film THE STORY OF LOVERS ROCK was previous example of this and he wants to translate this experience into this project to keep this concept going.
There are several levels of affordable donations. Please take a moment to check it out on Indiegogo and also share it with your friends. All the tools are there. Get perks, make a contribution, or simply follow updates. If enough of us get behind it, we can make 'The Awaken One - A New Stage Play' happen.

Best wishes

Sophia Ramcharan
Production Manager
The Awaken One

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