
Mom Kills 6-Year-Old, Says Daughter Spoke In ‘Evil Voice’

(May 04, 2012)

Mom Kills 6-Year-Old, Says Daughter Spoke In ‘Evil Voice’

Danielle Slaughter Las VegasDanielle Slaughter (pictured) pleaded not guilty on the grounds of insanity, after being charged with stabbing her 6-year-old daughter to death with a pair of scissors last March in Las Vegas, reports the Las Vegas Sun.

After the murder, police found 27-year-old Slaughter running naked down her street and covered in blood.  The disoriented Mom told officers at the time that the blood on her hands was the “lamb of God” and asked whether her child was dead.

When law enforcement accompanied Slaughter back to her home, they discovered the dead body of her daughter, Kayla Franks, lying in a pool of blood.

During various interviews with police investigators, Slaughter claimed to have felt a strong evil presence in her home for days.  Slaughter also claimed that one day she and Kayla were sitting on a bed, and suddenly, the little girl began to spew “evil words” with eerie laughter, kicking and clawing at her as if possessed.

Slaughter then admitted to police that she picked up a pair of scissors and stabbed her little girl repeatedly.

Police detectives suspect the reason why Slaughter might have been functioning without sleep was because the Mom admitted to ingesting diet pills, which she began taking four days before the incident. Interestingly enough, the slimming pills that Slaughter had been using to lose weight are controversial.

On May 1, 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning, after some Hydroxycut products were linked to liver damage, rhabdomyolysis, and at least one death. The manufacturer then agreed to recall the products.  Shortly after the recall, Hydroxycut was “reformulated” with reportedly some different ingredients and placed back for sale.

Still, Slaughter’s lawyer, Andrea Luem, said she isn’t contesting her client’s competency for trial.  Instead, Slaughter is claiming temporary insanity.  Luem said on Thursday that it was too early in the case to determine whether sleep deprivation and being on the Hydroxycut weight loss system had any effect on the killing.

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