
Alaska Lawsuit Claims Obama Can’t Be President Due To His Race

(February 27, 2012)


 Alaska Lawsuit Claims Obama Can’t Be President Due To His Race

Did you know that you can’t be president if you are African American?  At least, so declares Gordon Warren Epperly, an Alaskan citizen who is trying to fire up the flames of birtherism with a new lawsuit meant to strike President Barack Obama from the ballot in the state.  The argument?  Since he’s African American, he isn’t a “natural born citizen.”

JoeMyGod posts the key lawsuit passage: “As stated above, for an Individual to be a candidate for the office of president of the United States, the candidate must meet the qualifications set forth in the United States Constitution and one of those qualifications is that the Candidate shall be a ‘natural born citizen’ of the United States. As Barack Hussein Obama II is of the ‘mulatto’ race, his status of citizenship is founded upon the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Before the [purported] ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, the race of ‘Negro’ or ‘mulatto’ had no standing to be citizens of the United States under the United States Constitution.”

Clutch Magazine calls the lawsuit “a stark reminder of the challenges and racist attitudes many of us continue to face.”

Lawyer David Wells is more blunt.  “My legal analysis in brief: that’s crap…In fact, any excessive amount of scrutiny of what it means to be ‘natural born’ as it pertains to the presidency really didn’t come up at all until a black guy with a funny-sounding name got elected president. Don’t insult yourself, America, or humanity by trying to claim that racism is not a factor in all of this. Gordon Warren Epperly at least has the courtesy, and the courage, to be honest about it.”

It will come as little shock that Epperly appears to not only think “non-whites” aren’t allowed to hold office, but women aren’t, either.  He filed suit against Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski’s reelection, too.

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